Today was the last band practice for 2006, and if today was an indication, we don't have a band for 2007. Having said that, there have been a few lean winters in the 15 years we have been on the road, and many of them have ended in great summers of fun and performance. This one should be no different.
A very enthusiastic and dedicated group of people has been coming regularly all autumn, and many recently learned some new music and assisted with the successful Chrismas concert. Thanks to you all for your drive and commitment. We know that we have members at a distance who are commited to being there when the roads are clear again, and we'll be waiting.
When Christmas and Hogmany are over, I will be in touch with each of you—looking for your commitment, or your uniform and instruments. Think it over and decide what you'll be doing, because if you live fairly close at hand, "I'll see you in May" isn't going to cut it. You can't be in a Grade 2 band without commiting to the program, and we can't survive at this level without a stronger commitment, especially from those players in Regina and area.
I'm looking forward to playing the new music in 2007, and I want to do it with the best band as we can assemble. In the meantime, best wishes to all for a safe and happy holiday season.