We have a large number of band members who have not competed in Grade 2 before, some who haven't competed in years, and many who are competing with this band for the first time. That makes the upcoming weekend and the Brandon Highland Festival a kind of noteworthy day. We aren't expecting great things: only playing medley this weekend, and that is still "in development," but it was really great to be playing without scores/tunes on the floor for the first time yesterday.
Most encouraging to me was that we had and maintained a solid sound for the entire band practice. It could still be blown better and more consistently, but it is a major improvement over the sound of the band even a month ago.
It's been a long road from Perth to here. Thanks to all you band members who have made the commitment to get the band on the field again. Pipers have mad a strong commitment to two practices a week, and drummers who have worked hard to develop the corps with the LD at a distance. I'm looking forward to the weekend, and will be happy to see us on the field once again.