The month has come and gone, and so too another trip to Scotland with the CRPB. We had a fantastic trip with the band, and members learned a lot, experienced a lot, and had a great time together. The highlights included the band performance at the Worlds, which although clearly flawed, was our best performance of the current medley, and a building experience, despite the results.
The CRPB was profiled in Scottish news footage, papers and web sites from its performance at the Piping Live! Festival, and we also had a great day at the "Pipes of Peace" Festival with the Celtic Spirit lads, including an evening concert with Scottish Grade 1 band Inveraray and District. The trip wrapped up with the Perth Highland Games, where the band won the Grade 2 band event, and also was "Best Band on Parade," winning the Provost's Cup.

Thanks to all band members and supporters for a great season, and a memorable trip to Scotland. Looking forward to the coming season.