This past weekend the CRPB kicked off it's 20th year of activity by hosting the 20th Annual Mid-Winter Ceilidh, which is now part of the Mid-Winter Celtic Festival. It was a great night once again, featuring fairly raw sets by the band, and a lot of great entertainment from Celtic bands and dancers.
Coming as it does on the first weekend of February, the Ceilidh always marks the first real performance for new band members, and the first outing for new music. We played the new-ish medley, and tried some new tunes that we've been working on this fall. The show provides a launching spot for things to come.
This being the 20th anniversary, we asked former band members in the crowd to come up and get a picture taken at the end of the band set. It's always good to see former members come out to support band events, and this brought to mind it might be an opportunity to say "thanks" to all those band members who have made the band successful and fun over so many years.
So, thanks!