Monday, January 30, 2006

One week to go to the Big Event and band today was a marked improvement on last week, except maybe for my knowledge of a couple of tunes. TIP: refresh yourselves on "The Big Ship"...thanks for screwing that one up for me Alex. There are so many details to be sorted, and as any event organizer can tell you, things seems to snowball in the last week. Apart from the time spent watching Morgan and Bryde cut foam for the drums today, it was a good practice. And, well that wasn't so bad either. This week a CD arrived in the post all the way from South Africa with video and mid-section materials from Kenna. Kinda warms your heart to know that on the other side of the world, someone is working away in their grass hut, fighting off lions, spiders and water-born parasites for the good of the pipe band! Thanks Kenna. We'll miss you at the Ceilidh. It will be good to have Dave Hicks and Ryan Sullivan coming from Calgary. Ryan is a Ceilidh veteran, of course, and Dave will be making his first appearance since leaving "the front row of Nirvana." Welcome to the front row of hell, buddy! And the rest of you, keep working on the music, and get baking. Next summer, when you're standing at the Park Bar ordering a pint, it will all seem worth it.

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