Here's a milestone that you don't reach everyday. Forty years old. It doesn't seem like long since you were a teenager Gale, walking around with glazed eyes after summer school with Colin MacLellan, and we had 3 years of "Colin says..." Well, who knows, likely Colin was right. Got him a Gold Medal.
And there you are: still the avid student of bagpipes, learning new tunes, competing, and being the runner-up for the big World Championship CLASP event last summer. If only there were classes for staying cool! Ha. On top of that, you have this whole career thing happening. Math up the ying-yang, the incredible story of "0" and the years of teaching and generally enthusing about math. And then there's the MA thesis, the multiple auto mishaps, and the muffins that would sink a fishing trawler. Tai Chi this Gale, and there you are chopping concrete blocks in half and cutting the ears off opponents with your mighty sword. All that, and we still can't get a friggin' band jacket that makes you happy!
Well here are 40 great wishes for your birthday Gale. You are one special person, and we are all happy to know you, and happy to have journeyed in your odd company these many years. You have brought so much to the band, and that only covers a small corner of the people you reach in your life.
So have a great day, and we look forward to your contented middle age!
I think it was a 10-inch Tuscan...more alliterative, and possibly realistic.
Speaking of realistic, surely the 10 to 12 inch Tuscan you speak of is the that yellow, funny-looking, woven hat of wheat she used to wear?
Hey! What about www.whippedcream.com?
Ah, yes. I can't say that was my proudest acheivement. I have also learned that there is a place in every band for someone who keeps such thorough track of all music changes.
Belated congrats to Gale for her runner-up spot at the CLASP World Championships...if they would just post the results somewhere, I could have known earlier.
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