Thursday, July 06, 2006

Not An Ideal Draw, But Where Would You Rather Be?
So if you are thinking that maybe 2nd out of 20 bands in the heat [see Worlds draw at] is a bad draw, you are right. Having said that, nothing has really changed except that, as Dave Roth pointed out, maybe we'll get a better parking spot this year? Don't count on that, either.

The good news is that the play time is a minute off 11:00 am, and shouldn't make it hard to get things together for then. Also, morning dew/rain will be dry, if it's going to be dry.

Here's the thing: at 11:00 am on the 12th, there's nowhere in the world I'd rather be than standing in the circle with the CRPB. Don't care about the time, the order, or the judges. Can't wait.


Anonymous said...

Number one on my list of things to do that day diving with a monkey (long story) is a close second, but hey you can't have everything.

So the only question I have is, are you doing enough to not have any regrets.....can you be practicing more, selling more hot dogs, looking at things to improve in your own playing more than you did last week or the week before. If you're not, why? At this point just showing up is not what I consider an acceptable commitment. We all need to find things to improve (yes I need to sell some hot dogs).

It's time to look at yourself and the people around you and make sure you/we are all on the same page and proving we’re focused on the race, not just the finish line. If not, you/we need to do something about it.

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit." -- Aristotle

Anonymous said...

Frankly, although we're second on, I think it's a great time of the day for us to be playing. Thinking back to last year, and our run throughs that we did mid-morning we were sounding great at that time.

I already said my peace about the hot dog issue, but I whole heartedly concur with Dave on what committment really means. My pipes have been going everywhere with me -- to Victoria, to Saskatoon, to work, ... and I've been playing them too! We have what it takes to blow some wool socks off at the World's - we just need to make sure that we bring it forward.

If you are thinking, like most of us do at one time or other that you don't have time to put in to practicing, etc., I share with you one of my favorite quotes:

"The only thing permanent about our behavior patterns is our belief that they are so." - Moshe Feldenkrais

This has inspired me to fit in all those things that before I believed I didn't have time for.

See you at the practice tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

Is the CRPB sponsored by the Beatles?

Iain MacDonald said...

Wouldn't it be great to be sponsored by anyone! No, the Fab Four Corp [Michael Jackson?] is not pouring in the cash. Why do you ask?