Reading the various comments on previous blogs, you get the idea that there are lots of people around who watch pipe band news in the area, but who don't maybe play anymore. My assumption is that you care about pipe bands in Regina, otherwise why read the blog, or comment? There has been the odd troll for sure, but most people are making comments b/c they have an interest.
So here's the thing. If you are interested to see what's up with piping in Regina, come to the Ceilidh. You'll hear where we're at, and you can come here and comment. You can talk to us at the Ceilidh, offer support, call us wankers, offer to play, or just have a good night, drink a few pops and get a cab home. Even if you never want to lift a pipe or drum again, it's a chance to support a local pipe band, have some fun, and hear some great music.
So quit hiding by your computer. Vote for piping and drumming in Regina with your feet and your wallet. Put your money where your blog comments are. You know what to do. Come to the Ceilidh.