The last post painted a dreary [accurate] picture of where the band sits, and the holiday did not bring better news. Our Lead Drummer Dave Roth has stepped away to complete his university studies, and we have several people in the "not available until May" category. It would appear that, at best, this will be a slow-starting competitive year. We will be lucky to have enough bodies to make it onto the field May long weekend.
That said, the rest of us are working hard on a new medley, we have drafted help with scores, and we are working hard to continue playing at as high a level as possible. We have an ambitious musical selection for the Mid-Winter Celtic Festival and we have other travel and performance opportunities coming up, but none involving competition in the near future.
We have also made a decision that—as far as we know—is unique in the pipe band world. We have appointed Kenna Whelan as "Lead Drummer" to manage the personnel and music decisions in the drum corps. Kenna is well-known as an excellent tenor drummer and drum instructor. Kenna's experience, and extensive knowledge of pipe band music will allow us to make progress in the meantime. Not easy times for Kenna or the rest of the band, but it's a hobby, and we're still having fun at band, so, why not?
So, there's my update. Hope you enjoyed it. [If you don't get the significance of that...read the comments on the last post.] And lastly, thanks for reading. Hope to see lots of you "anonymous" people at the Ceilidh on February 3rd.
Sorry to hear about the situation with CRPB. It seems almost every pipe band goes through tough times from time to time. Hopefully everything will work out.
Thanks for the note. Years ago, a relative of mine used to quote one of his hockey buddies in these situations [end of 2nd period, down by a couple of goals]. "A dog's not dead 'til his asshole's cold."
And, I'm not cold...
Excellent update (and thanks, by the way)! Keep 'em coming!
All the best with the band. I hope it all works out.
Pipe Bands-sport teams all go through competitive lows-goals during the so called difficult times may need to be altered.In sport you try to improve individual and team skills and strive to play .500 .You stay positive and encourage your team to improve.The best coaches alawys improve their teams regardless of the horses in the stable.Pipe Bands are the same-Mr Pipe Major take your small herd of horses and be the BEST YOU CAN BE-most are able to do well when the stable is full of top horses.The best leaders take what they have and amaze others with what they have accomplished.TAKE YOUR SMALL HERD AND RUN WITH IT.
Thanks for your comments. How come all you people have the same name? : )
The band is small, but still good. This would not be the first time we've had this issue, but it contrasts very strongly with back-to-back Scotland trips.
The advantage we have over a competitive sports team is that it's still fun to just play, and we have places where we can do that.
Dear Mr.Pipe Major-now you are talking.Fun - competition - pipe bands and of course the music.The music - one can always have fun with music.Personally some of the finest music is played in the kitchen and no gets first prize.Now back to sports-competitve sport teams can always find a team to play and yes it is still fun to play.You can not always win the cup.I have been called worse things than an anonymous - I will stay with that handle.By the way who checks the dog's butt.CHEERS MR. A.
"By the way who checks the dog's butt?"
Well, I guess the other dogs do...
TIME FOR FUN-Name the top 20 pipers and drummers- past and present- from sask.I will begin.John Fisher,Iain MacDonald.
OK, that's a little like naming the top 20 ice hockey players from Cuba...
Here's the cool thing, though. The Sask Pipe Band Association has been putting together an online archive that is getting very interesting, and there's more great stuff to come. It's always been a struggle to play here, but imagine being the only piper for miles around in the 30s, 40s or 50s? Those old guys had great love of the music,and that's what kept them going. Check it out at saskpipebands.org
How about adding James MacHattie, Danielle Brin, Sean Somers and Jim McWilliams to the list?
Colin McWilliams, Graham Neill, Barb MacDonald, Jimmy Walker Jr?
If we want to talk leadership and musicality perhaps former Hackle PM Betty Anne Sinclair needs to be recognized.
We from Saskatchewan can consider PM Jamie Troy as one of our best pipers.
ALL SASKATCHEWAN DRUM CORPS-LD.John Fisher,Hugh Fraser,Jimmy Walker Jr. Dave Roth,Doug Pritchard,Ryan Sullivan,Tim Boan,Bruce Lutz,Dan MacDougall,Brett Stinson,Tim Borton-PLEASE ADD TO LIST-Just a retired pipers view.
Add Pat Kelly to the drummers list-thanks retired fraser piper.
I'm interested to see that no tenor or bass players have been suggested. What's up with that?
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