It's always a little bit daunting to go to the first band practice, and after a year off competing, and the knowledge that we don't have a complete team in place, even more so. So, off we go to the Royal Canadian Legion and there we found that people had travelled from Winnipeg, Saskatoon and Moosomin for practice. With about a dozen pipers, 4 sides, 2 tenors and a bass, it wasn't the biggest practice ever, but it was a very healthy start. Great to see some of the new members playing through the music. Clearly: work has been done.
Most promising was how keen people were to get onto pipes and drums, and while we didn't have a lot we could play, I was interested to see how many folks could scramble through the new medley. We have some things to sort out there for sure, and we made some strides today. Overall, a very positive start. And if you're out there wondering if there is room for more players, the answer is "yes." You want there to be a good band? Come and make one.
Thanks to all those who came out, and to those who emailed to say they couldn't be there. Looking forward to next week. For those who want one, we are coming into a new stock of t-shirts, as pictured. You can order them through the band web site very soon, or send an email.
In my past ten years with this band, I was most sceptical about this first practice of the year. From my perception of prairie pipe bands, a 'year off' is often just a euphemism 'for no longer exists'. So when I strolled into the band hall on time (only fifteen minutes late--a new record for me I think) I was surprised to see seventeen people ready to begin. Not that I think Iain would allow the band to disappear - Iain's conviction to progress pipers and pipe bands from the prairies is unwavering- but his ability to find and orchestrate players from three provinces and two states always amazes me. Despite the busy lives most of us lead and the distance many of the other players travelled just to make it to practice, there was a hint of excitement and renewal in the room. A sense that the outside world may see the red and blue of our tartan roaming the prairies and beyond again... I look forward to being apart of it.
Thanks Alex. Looking forward to you buying me beer in the Montreal Beer Tent!
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