Monday, May 19, 2008

The Time of Your Life = Today
The last few weeks have been busy ones for the pipe band, and there have been opportunities for multiple posts, but alas, not the time to follow through. This past weekend here was the one annual Highland Games weekend in Saskatchewan. It was a very important weekend for the City of Regina Pipe Band, because it signalled the return of the band to the outdoor competition field, and with a roster that is significantly different than the last time the band competed outdoors [Perth Highland Games, August 2006].

There have been a lot of really great moments in the City of Regina Pipe Band, and I have been fortunate to have been part of them all. We've had some great plays, and some good prizes in many different places. We have also had times when simply competing was in itself a huge victory of will over circumstance and geography.

The past year has been a tumultuous one in many respects. Through all the changes, the thing that has sustained my interest has been the keen desire of people to play. The band that took the field this weekend is a hodge-podge of types: young, old, experienced, inexperienced, and the majority of them have not played before in the band, and over half have not played in higher than a Grade 4 band. And seemed to work.

We had two great days of some good tone and music, and lots of laughs to go with it. Sure: there's room to improve, and we're a long way from where we want to be, but we're here, and we're getting better every week.

I can't say enough good about the band members who [all] played this weekend. Your loyalty, dedication and desire to make the band work have all paid off. My hat's off to you. See you at practice.


Anonymous said...

You don't look like too hodge-podge a crew, you're all wearing the same kilts and everything.

Hope things keep moving forward.

Iain MacDonald said...

Thanks Dave. Played 13-5-2-1 in the medley and 12-4-2-1 in the MSR. Not a bad start.