Anyway, I got to thinking about CRPB bass drummers past to present, and the various things they brought to the band: Don Jeannotte, Jody Brin, Brian Fraser, John Hall, Mitch Stilborn, and now Karen Hala. Brian Fraser brought a lot to the band. It was about this time of year when he was tragically killed in a Winnipeg road accident, and I miss him still. Brian was one of those band guys who would do anything for the band, and anything to support people in the band.
In 1997, Brian won "Best Bass" at Maxville in the Grade 2 event. We was also a winner of that award at Moose Jaw, Regina, Red Deer, Canmore and other places. While he was justly proud of his various wins in that regard, he was really more interested in the band succeeding, and his efforts were completely focussed in that direction.
Whatever happens long term with the awarding of bass & mid-section prizes, let's remember that the contest is all about the band's ensemble performance, and not how one section of one band is better than those sections of other bands.
And I'll take a moment to remember a good friend and his bad jokes, and say thanks to all the members who have made the CRPB "bass section" over the years.
I've been working with the Internet machine for more than a decade now and I'm pretty well versed in how polls and things work. I've detected maybe a dozen of people who have voted multiple times, and one rather pathetic case of someone voting more than 100 times. All of these will be removed from the final tally . . . if it even matters.
Bass drummers are usually very interesting people, and almost always give the band character. Sounds like you've known a few!
Voting 100 times in an online poll is a bit sad. Well done to pipes|drums for having a go at the awards, and—as always—giving the pipe band world something to think and discuss.
I believe the world pipeband competition has evolved to it's highest level with regard to public intererst, band musicality and celebrating pipebands for an entire week.
It is unfortunate that the RSPA has decided to remove the mid-sections award from the worlds. A step backward.For me it seems odd somewhat like picking an all-star hockey team and not naming a goalie.
For my money or lack of it-the best mid-section has to go to SFU. I know Iain's vote would most likely go that way.Like my love affair with the Habs.
It is a fact that SFU always has great tone great piping and drumming.I personally believe that the SFU pipeband always play super well but often lack. -The Groove-Just an old drummer- sport guy's opinion.
Thanks to U-TUBE I can be the judge. SFU were the clear winners at the 2008 worlds They had -The Groove- the best ensemble by far.
In order to have- The Groove- you have to play as team - pipers, sides and mid-section.
Long live -The Groove-When you have it magical things happen.
Cheers DanMcD.
I think Pipes Drums should have ads of famous pipers and drummers telling us to "rock the vote", or to "vote or die" just like in the states for their actual elections.
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