Advice You Can Take to the Bank
Today I listened to the Toronto Police medley from last summer. I thought it was pretty cool when I first heard it on YouTube, and then it was great to hear it live in the rain and I especially love the crowd reaction. Anyway, there I was earlier, listening again to that, and thinking what great enjoyment I got from the Grade 1 medleys at Maxville, and I happened on the YouTube above, for Melodeon John. Wow. You could spend hours listening to the way this guy uses language, and I love his turn of phrase. His bonnet collection is gallus.
If you have the time to listen to a few of his rants, you'll discover an amazing tangle of contradiction, humour, half-truth, wisdom of the ages, misinformation, sentimental remembrance,and some interesting renderings of auld sangs, ken?
Anyway, there isn't much of a point to this, except to say that if you wonder why I never talk about TV shows, it's because I don't really watch any...too busy seeing this "reality" stuff online.
Enjoyed the band weekend, and thought in particular it was a lot of fun to play the new Gord Taylor tunes. Looking forward to the Ceilidh.