Advice You Can Take to the Bank
Today I listened to the Toronto Police medley from last summer. I thought it was pretty cool when I first heard it on YouTube, and then it was great to hear it live in the rain and I especially love the crowd reaction. Anyway, there I was earlier, listening again to that, and thinking what great enjoyment I got from the Grade 1 medleys at Maxville, and I happened on the YouTube above, for Melodeon John. Wow. You could spend hours listening to the way this guy uses language, and I love his turn of phrase. His bonnet collection is gallus.
If you have the time to listen to a few of his rants, you'll discover an amazing tangle of contradiction, humour, half-truth, wisdom of the ages, misinformation, sentimental remembrance,and some interesting renderings of auld sangs, ken?
Anyway, there isn't much of a point to this, except to say that if you wonder why I never talk about TV shows, it's because I don't really watch any...too busy seeing this "reality" stuff online.
Enjoyed the band weekend, and thought in particular it was a lot of fun to play the new Gord Taylor tunes. Looking forward to the Ceilidh.
Before you cash that cheque at the bank, you may want to listen to his "wee bash" on the chanter:
This guy is almost as good as "Chewin' the Fat"!
Dinnae go an give us yer pish aboot technique, ken...he's a braw laddie wi' a guid heart, an' kens which haun oan top. : )
Well, it is all about the music...
Any pipers oot there wi any spare bits?
The best is his Bagpipe help rant:
Someone please "help me'oot"
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