The past couple of weeks have been a flurry of piping performances of various kinds, starting with the contests on the May long weekend [solo/band] and then moving on to the Conservatory of Performing Arts BRAVO! Gala Event, at which the Conservatory of Performing Arts Pipe Band performed. The event raised serious cash for the programs at the Conservatory, celebrated the instructors, and showed off everyone in their party dress finery. Among the regular two sets of band practices and lessons, seven new pipers at the Conservatory got their new pipes last week, and that was an exciting time for them, if not [yet] for their neighbours! Then last week, the CRPB and CPA bands combined to provide a small band each day for the University of Regina Convocation June 3, 4, and 5th. There seemed to be a real response from the 2000 or so in the audience each day when the curtain was raised as the pipe band started. Friday was a great day for Kenna Whelan, who graduated with her BEd, and got to be piped out by the band to which she has contributed so much.

It turns out that Scott is a great player, and he brought together some very fine people for the weekend, including Troy MacGillivray, Patrick Gillis and two excellent guys from Moose Jaw: Jared Dormer and Josh Carley on percussion and keyboards. What a pleasure to play tunes with such talented and down-to-earth people. The Thursday show in Regina was small, and gave us a chance to get things going, and then on Friday in Moose Jaw at the Mae Wilson Theatre we re-did the show in front of 300 enthusiastic and appreciative folks, and it was pure piping fun. I got to play some great tunes on the reelpipes with superb musicians, and when I wasn't playing, I got to take in the great music from the side. We did the show again at Bobby's Place in Moose Jaw on Saturday night, again to a full house of enthusiasts, so it was a great finish to the three. Check out Scott's CD HERE.
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