The weather has been frightful here on the Canadian prairie in the last couple of weeks, and it seems like "not" bagpipe weather. In fact, it's the perfect time to play. If you don't, you can almost hear blackwood cracking in the boxes. Despite the cold, we've been having good practices, and have had a couple of excellent band weekends.
It was also at that band weekend that the members decided on a contest and travel schedule for the 2010 season. Despite some strong interest to return to Maxville and Montreal games, we did not have enough members who could make it that weekend, so instead we have launched a much more ambitious project: returning to the UK in August 2010 for competitions and events. This is a far cry from a couple of years ago, when the band had neither the members or the ability to make such a trip happen. So, 2010 should be an exciting year [again] for the band.
Watch for the band to make a major uniform upgrade in the new year, and we are also going to soon have some [more] exciting news about the Mid-Winter Celtic Festival. In the meantime, if you live in Regina, come out to Arthur Guinness' Birthday Party at O'Hanlon's Pub on December 23rd. We'll be there.
New uniform upgrade of the major variety... Is the balmorals making that strong a comebac??? Or are you all switching to trews??
Trews AND Balmorals, with blackcock feathers. ; )
Hey, congrats on the UK travel plans! Exciting stuff. Oh, and I can't wait to see the new hightop air-soled NIKE brogues! That'll be great!
Thanks Ryan. The brogues sound great....have to re-do the budget now...
Is the band getting the new "Air MacLeod" brogues, the ones with the pump in the tongue?
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