Truth be told, band never really ends for many of us. Since our last competitive performance at Montreal Highland Games [2nd place, thanks] some of us have been turning things over in our minds, discussing, playing lots of tunes, and sending emails about the season that begins now.
As soon as the instruments go away for a few weeks, all bets are off, and we are all back to the starting line. Then it's about seeing who's in for the season, and who thinks they need a break, who wants to play, and who might be convinced to join.
We say farewells to those leaving, and make a warm welcome for those coming. Band is always a revolving door, and it's great to see both new and familiar faces come through the door.
We look at the music we played last year, and try to get rid of the weak links, and find some new/old gems to strengthen what we did. We have been re-assessing the snare and mid-section parts, and thinking about what could be done better [and by whom].
There is also a mountain of organizational stuff to get done, web site, financials, AGM,planning for 2012 finances and travel, potential instrument and uniform upgrades...
We had an excellent season in 2011, and we are looking forward to solidifying some of the gains we made musically, and also shoring up the areas where we needed more strength/consistency. Have been on the Facetime to Buz, and sending emails, leaving sheets of music where Barb will find them and start thinking harmonies. The hall is booked, fresh sheepskin is on the way, and reeds are ready to go.
Band starts this Sunday, and if you want to play, time to get the music, find the gear, and start making the time. The City of Regina Pipe Band had it's very first practice in October, 1992. The 20 years since have seen a lot of changes to the band, and the way we do things, but one of the pieces that never really changes is the uncertainty the start of a new season brings. The other thing that stays constant is the hope, that this will be the best year ever.
See you at band.
Nicely written and always reassuring to have your undying commitment presented so eloquently. I'm not sure how you do it, year after year. I think you may have nailed it with hope being the key element. Your clan motto makes even more sense now.."My Hope is Constant in Thee." :-) I'll be there tomorrow with harmonies rattling around in my brain. Looking forward to it.
...a great pipe-sgt makes all the difference...
Summed up perfectly for all bands, Iain...this time of year is always the re-birth of hopefully past glory with personnel changes always coming with uncertainty... strong leadership has always been the drawing card for me and the C of R has that....
I wish you many successes in 2012.... Ken
Summed up perfectly for all bands, Iain...this time of year is always the re-birth of hopefully past glory with personnel changes always coming with uncertainty... strong leadership has always been the drawing card for me and the C of R has that....
I wish you many successes in 2012.... Ken
hi to all crpb.blogspot.comers this is my first post and thought i would say hello to you all -
thank yous speak soon
g moore
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