What started as a chilly and overcast day, turned out to be hot and sunny in the afternoon, and a beautiful day at the Bridge of Allan Games. The band had a very good warm up and preparation for Bridge of Allan, but in the end, we had some issues that would put us well down in the list. The drummers had a very rough play, and up front there were a number of blowing issues. Very disappointing for all.
The early draw combined with the bad play meant a very low placing. So, we spent the afternoon listening to bands tuning, and enjoyed the social atmosphere at the Games. There were many people there to watch and listen, and lots of pipe band folks from around the World showing up in preparation for the Worlds.
Alberta Caledonia had a great day, placing 2nd in the Grade 1 event. This is a superb finish for them, and bodes well for next week at the Worlds. The 78th Fraser Highlanders were there too, and finished third behind Alberta. I spent an hour listening to the pipe section warm up, and they were very good. I loved the tune selections they used to warm up: classic 6/8 and 4/4 marches. Great stuff.
Tomorrow the band performs at George Square in Glasgow as the first official show of the 2006 Piping Live! Festival. Then, we have a "day off" to recover, and start preparations for next weekend on Wednesday. The goal for the next week will to build on the positive elements of this past weekend, and to work hard to improve the delivery of sound, and the relaxed kind of musical performance that we need to contend for prizes in Grade 2.
On a personal note, I have to say that it is deeply disappointing to be so far back in the list today, but even more so to have played poorly. The band members have worked extremely hard, contributed a lot of personal time and money to be here, and it would be great to be able to put on a better show next weekend, regardless of what placings we get.
So, at the end of the day, looking for solace, I turn to other things that make me happy, or inspire me to try again. When you're working hard at something you love, and not always succeeding, you have to find the spark to keep yourself going, so that you can motivate others to keep going too. So I went to YouTube again and listened to this video by Scottish singer Karine Polwart. Hope you like it too. LISTEN
The daily enteries are fantastic for those of us that wish we were with you there! Seems as if the phone lines between Scotland and Nipawin,Sk. must be down as well? But I hear that they work to a young gal's place in Regina, Scott? hehe
/piper's Mom ~ Deb Young
Thanks Andrew. Chin's up. We had a very good performance at George Square, including a much better medley than yesterday, but that is the way it goes. Band has tomorrow off, and we have 3 days of practice before Saturday. I'm confident we can be much. much better.
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