Saturday, August 19, 2006

Moving on to the Next Thing

The band is entered to complete at Calgary and Canmore Highland Games, but it is looking doubtful if we have enough people to field a band that weekend. We have university start-ups, new jobs, lack of money and holidays as the main reasons, and good reasons they are.

The next thing is to decide who wants to have another go at the band in the upcoming season, and we have heard from at least one who is bowing out, and there may be more, as is common at this time of year. The real question is: who'sd out there that wants to take up the challenge?


Anonymous said...

Canada's premier prarie pipe band plays only one competition weekend at home. That sux, I think we would have beat you in Canmore!

Anon. Edmonton Player

Iain MacDonald said...

You're right, it isn't brilliant, and you might have beaten us. However, maybe if we hadn't whooped you last year in September and again in May this year it wouldn't sting so bad? Hope you have a great weekend regardless. You guys have a great band and we always love to compete with you.

Anonymous said...

Who is the premiere pipe band of the prairies? Big Rock? City of Regina? Edmonton & District? Alberta Caledonia?

Anon. Blog Watcher

Iain MacDonald said...

Excellent point Anon Blog Watcher. I'm sure that "Anon Edmonton Player" was talking about bands other than AlCal, or at least I assumed so. On points of order, Big Rock and Edmonton and District are the same band, or rather, they are now known by the latter name, and let's not forget another excellent band: The Winnipeg St. Andrews Society.

And, hey, thanks for watching!

Anonymous said...

I heard St. Andrews play at Folklorama in Winnipeg last week. They had really sweet tone and some tight unison, and were completly different sounding band compared to their performance at Moosejaw/Regina last spring. Grade 2 on the prairies just got a lot more interesting.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the nice comment Iain! Can we have another shot at you soon? HaHa

P.S It's nice to read this blog, I can always follow up on what you guys are up to, Hope You had a blast in Scotland!

Scott Foster

Iain MacDonald said...

Thanks for the post Scott and [another] Anon. I expect that Winnipeg is playing very well, based on the great result at Maxville.

The CRPB is also playing and sounding much better than at Moose Jaw/Regina, as one would expect: that is the first contest of the season [outside].

I expect that Grade 2 will remain an interesting and competitive grade. We have three good bands with different skill sets and a common goal: to produce the best possible with the players we have available.

Look forward to the next time out. Meanwhile, best wishes for a robust beginning to a new season of indoor work, and good luck to E&D at Calgary/Canmore.