The new season for the pipe band begins October 1st, 1:00 pm at the Legion. We will be having the AGM that day so that we can get some early plans made for the new season, set some goals, and see what we need to do to achieve them.
In conversations with Dave, Barb, and Kenna, we have identified some challenges and opportunities for the band and its members in the months ahead, The big Scotland trip over [and paid for!] we have to turn out attention to developing the band in some other areas, and look to a North American travel schedule for 2007.
A band is not a static environment: members come and go as their schedules and interests dictate, and this fall is no different. There will be some changes as members decide to do other things, and this provides opportunities for new members to get into the band and get involved. The banner here appears on our web site, and we invite all interested pipers and drummers to come out to the band, and see where we can go from here.
If you're leaving the band, thanks for your efforts on all fronts—musical, organizing, fundraising.
1 comment:
I had a piper asking me today about how our band did in Scotland and how we placed at the Worlds. I replied that we didn't find ourselves in the top six in our heat. Perhaps I justified or qualified this response with the fact that the judges are asked to pick the top six and not necessarily sort out the ones thereafter. He then asked why we didn't end up in the top six in Grade 2. I replied, "We didn't deliver. The bands in the top six had better tone, musicality, unison, precision, ensemble and were essentially better overall." He asked what keeps us from achieving those things. Good question. I explained that we live in a bit a "bagpipe wasteland" and provided the analogy that if I am one of the three little pigs then at best I have the straw or maybe some sticks with which to build my house. I'm never going to be a match for the wolf compared to the little pig with the bricks. Man, do I want the bricks! But if have straw or sticks to work with (and maybe a few bricks thrown in), then I'll try to build the best damn straw/stick house you've ever seen!
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