In Fall 1992, I was on the brink of something really big in my life. As September rolled on, Barb and I were going to Drs appointments to figure out what was happening with that lump inside her that seemed to be pretty active, and upside down. That lump was named Eilidh, and she was born October 2, 1992 on a day that was 30° C. The very first organizational meeting of the CRPB was held at a community centre in East Regina that September. We had 15 pipers, some mid-section players, and 5 snares. By Christmas, we had 5 pipers, a rookie bass drummer, and one snare drummer. The band was saved by the arrival from ON of an experienced and enthusiastic drummer with Grade 1 experience. [Thanks Paul.]
A lot happens in 14 years. Eilidh is now the same height as her Mom. She has been a provincial Highland dancing champion and had many prizes across North America and Scotland. She has won piping prizes with her band and in solos, has very high [ie: much higher than her Dad ever had] marks at school, and is absolutely dying to get into the CRPB. Part of her motivation is that her younger brother, no slouch either, has been playing in the band for two years. One of the true joys of competing with the band in the last two years has been to play in the same band with Ruaridh. He has been a great band member, especially for someone aged 11/12: works hard, rarely complains or moans at [or about] long practices, and took his lumps with dignity when he got cut last year. Age 11. Did I mention that?
So, heading into the next year, I'm thinking that 14 years is a great start. Can you remember when you were 14? Lots of possibilities yet to be explored, and opportunities at every corner. What is going to make this year special for me, is the inclusion of a new crop of players, the beginning of something fresh. The band is all about providing an opportunity that wouldn't otherwise exist here. That seems worth it, even after 14 years. And for those of you who have been in the band already, and are staying for the next bit: you won't be disappointed.
Man, time flies.
I just had a brief flashback to the early '90s...
In the fall of 1992 I would have been about the same age that Eilidh is now - 13 or 14.
At that time I was getting OK grades, was terrified about starting high-school, just met my soon-to-be best pal Jared, loved piping as much as I do now, and spent my fee time and weekends doing, ummm, 'fun jobs' at the MacDonald house on Montreal Street to pay for lessons.
Fun included: painting the inside and outside, building fences, cutting grass, reparing roofs, building decks, pouring basements (I'd love to go back and see that floor) and other various odd-jobs. The colourful neighbours kept the workday interesting.
Post-working highlights included some fantastic Iain-meals (I've always remembered the Alfredo sauce you made), great conversation, advice and a friendship with both Barb, Iain and all the kids that lasts to this day.
It wasn't much later that I was babysitting Eilidh. And now, 14 years later, she's a bright, intelligent, talented in all that she does young lady, (AND she's the same height as her Mum)!
Man, time flies.
'Fun jobs', great friendships, and memories to last a lifetime - too many to share on here.
And yes, alot does happen in 14 years. It's been nice to take a brief walk down that 14 year-old road again!
Sean Somers
Thanks for the note Sean. Those were exciting times when you and Jared came to the band, and work for lessons scheme was a laugh too. I'm thinking you are a more experienced worker these days, and I hope a better builder of fences than I was!
A lot does happen in 14 years!
In Fall 1992, I was just starting grade 11 in a new city- Regina - and was not enthused about it. I took several vows of silence that summer and fall in an attempt to change my parents' minds. Strangely, it didn't work.
Even if I did not have much of a social life at the start of that year, I had my pipes, an obsession with several pipe band tapes, and a great new teacher to see each week - Iain. I was definitely excited (and a little scared) to start my lessons.
Along with Sean and my brother Jared, I went for piping lessons on Montreal Street. Somehow I scored the "foreperson" position during the work-for-lessons days, and got off pretty easy, sewing some curtains, cleaning windows, and looking after Eilidh. At least that's how I remember it.
I love that Jared and Sean mixed the cement and poured that basement. Jared, who tried to negotiate his way out of housework at our house was down in that little basement doing the most insane manual labour. I can still picture the scene when I went down there to check it out. Kind of a huge mess, but kind of impressive too.
So flash forward 14 years. I live in Vancouver and am starting my 13th season with SFUPB, which was made possible by my lessons, band experiences, and friendship with Iain and Barb MacDonald. I met my husband Duncan in the band, and we are experiencing "something really big" in our lives --new parenthood! Our daughter Erin was born on July 22. We could not be more thrilled.
I didn't know that moving to Regina in 1992 would have such a big impact on my future. You don't always know these things when you are 15. I am grateful that my parents knew better than I did, and that Iain and Barb lived in Regina.
So Happy Birthday, Eilidh! I am proud to say that I have known you for all of your 14 years, and I look forward to your next 14. Your future is bright indeed!
14 years....seriously??? Shocked for many reasons: first, I can not believe that Eilidh is that old (meaning I am much older), second because that means that almost that many years have gone by since the old pipes were struck under my arm, and last because that means that so many great CRPB memories have whizzed by!!
Fall of 1992 meant the Brin move from P.A to Regina and the start of University and a new life for me. It meant new friends, getting to know Iain, Barb & Eilidh, babysitting E & Dilis, and so much more.
I remember (and have many pics of) the early CRPB days - the mismatched kilts, the band trips and a pint or two listening to tapes with a beer or two in hand. Many of my fondest Regina memories include the MacDonalds and CRPB, and I wouldn't change that for anything!!
Here's to many many many more successful years of the CRPB!
Jody Diakow (aka Brin)
Reply to Dani Millar:
Thanks for the post Dani. Teaching at Montreal Street, and later Angus Street, was exciting for me: the students I had were great in so many ways. I always loved how quietly serious, dedicated and downright talented you were, and what a privilege it has been to have you, and now Duncan, as friends these many years.
Sean and Jared, of course, were neither quiet or dedicated, but their talent also broke through and what great players they both turned out to be, and what solid friends as well.
Jody: those were very exciting days in the band, and you were such a great band member. I hope that you break out the pipes someday again. Maybe some smallpipes would be the ticket? : )
Thanks for posting.
I begged for that curtain-sewing job. No dice, however. Probably just as well in the end...
While Jed and I may not have been quiet, I can attest to our dedication. Not always to piping, mind you, but dedicated in our own right.
Just think of all of YOUR significant learnings over the course of those years, Iain!
Congrat's on the new baby, Dani. Exciting times indeed!
Sean Somers
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