Friday, November 30, 2012

The End of (Another) Era

Royal Canadian Legion, Branch No. 1
When the City of Regina Pipe Band started out in 1992, we contacted the Legion to ask if they would let us practice there, and they happily agreed. Later that fall, I was approached by the Legion President, Murray Carpenter, and asked if we would consider acting as the Legion Pipe Band in return for use of the hall whenever we needed it, and maybe even some initial help with uniforms. So, we signed an agreement with the Legion, and for many years the fine old building was home for the band. Years of the Mid-Winter Ceilidh were in the the hall there, and Sunday band practice year-round, and later when we started a grade 4 teaching program, it was in the Legion on Wednesday nights. The Legion gave us a large storeroom at the side of it's large stage, and we kept drums, uniforms, CDs, banners, trophies and other things there. In the main hall downstairs, we had a glass display case where we kept trophies, certificates, photos, patches and hat badges we'd been given, and other band keepsakes.

For many years, the Legion was home for the band. We practiced there, socialized there, had fundraisers and ceilidhs, and also played a role in many Legion functions, being the primary band at their Remembrance Day Ceremonies, Decoration Day in June, Annual Dinners, fundraisers, Poppy Day, and so on.

The CRPB bar in the Legion. Master brewer Trewin partially covered.
Our P-Sgt for many years, Trewin Somers, was perhaps the most capable bartender ever in the Legion, and we made huge profits running events there during the "Celtic wave" after Riverdance. In those days, the Legion executive was always very open to the pipe band's use of the hall, and many people ended up inside the venerable old building for the MWCF, the Regina Highland Games—especially one memorable year when in snowed on Games day and we moved it all inside. It was the Legion's best day that year in the kitchen. We also had "knockout competitions" there, and mini gatherings, recitals, started an adult piping class, ran piping and dancing workshops, and more.

So, I was a bit sad this morning, going down to the Legion to collect that last of the band's stuff. The inside of the Legion is turned upside down, and everything is being marked and photographed as lots for auction. The Legion as we've know in closes it's doors at midnight tonight, and the Atlantic Auditorium had its last pipe tunes on November 11 this year.

CRPB performing on the Legion stage, 2001 MWCF.
Greeting me at the door was Invan (spelling likely phonetic) , the caretaker. He has been there for all these years, and always a great friend to the band. He smiled and looked the other way when we would lock the doors after the MWCF and stay until 3 and 4 am to finish the Guinness keg. Trewin would say, "It won't keep. We better empty it." Invan would laugh at the antics, and sometimes just go home and ask us to lock it ourselves.

As the Legion fell on hard times and was unable to sustain its building, the pipe band gradually found itself practicing other places, while still supplying the bands and pipers for Legion events.

Anyway, this is a bit of a muddy ramble about the Legion, but I did think of a lot of great times and people while I was in there this morning. Hard to think that it was 20 years ago, and the number of beers that have spilled on the floor since then. Not sure what the Legion will look like when half of it is torn away and the big halls are gone, but hopefully it will retain some of the character that has made it such a great first home for the band these past 20 years.

Thursday, October 04, 2012

Thanks for the Memories: New Westminister Police Pipe Band
[UPDATE, October 9: Well, today I'm told that the band is not folding, but is taking a year off, and rumours of it's death were premature. So, please note that we can look forward to the NWPPB at some time in the future, and in the meantime, I think everything else I said holds true.]

 This morning's news on email and Facebook was that The New Westminister Police Pipe Band had decided to cease operations. This was not a real surprise, because we had heard for a couple of years that P-M Angus MacPherson was in transition to retiring from work, moving away from the Lower Mainland, and there was some uncertainty about the band's future.

New Westminister—and "Maple Ridge" before them—have been a solid fixture on the scene for many years, and P-M Angus has persevered through some thin years at times, to consistently produce a musical and great-sounding band. The photo above, taken in 2011, captures the joy of New West members and friends following their two-day sweep of the North American Championships in Maxville and the Montreal Highland Games. Of course, the band had also experienced success in Scotland, having won prizes at various Games, including the World's.

It's sad to see such a consistently good band stop the music, but also easy to understand why these things happen. Without the dogged determination and skills of Angus and a few key members, it might have ended years back. So here's a health to Angus MacPherson, and sincere thanks from our band for your years of hard work to build and maintain an excellent pipe band in one of the most competitive scenes in the world. You have given so much to the piping scene in British Columbia, and your musical and organizational impact will be felt for some time to come.

The City of Regina Pipe Band had a few connections with the band. Former members of the CRPB, including Bryde Whelan, Morgan Brady, Aaron Malcolm, Ann Gray, Ian Aastrom and Cam Dodson all were stalwart members of the band, and many others were piping friends and former bandmates from Barb's and my days in British Columbia. To the members of NWPPB: thanks for your music and fellowship at venues across North America and Scotland. We look forward to meeting you all in new situations.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Scotland Once More

What seemed like an impossibility several months ago is about to happen, once again—a CRPB trip to Scotland. The band will be competing at North Berwick Highland Games, at the World Championships and we are also playing at George Square [12 noon, Monday, August 6] and the National Piping Centre [2pm, Tuesday, August 7] as part of the Glasgow International Festival of Piping, Piping Live!.

This is the band's fourth trip to Scotland since 2005, and each time we have gone, there have been specific challenges faced to get there. This year was no different. Back in March we didn't have enough members committed to going, and it seemed like it was not going to happen. It has been one of those years when circumstances work against the band: sudden loss of key members, cancellation of regional games that we depend on to build the band, illness, pregnancy(!) and all kinds of other things.

Through it all, the band has been supported by several key members whose ongoing interest in the welfare of the band  and the band members works through issues to a happy solution. Key among those this season has been Lead Drummer Roland Reid, who took over fully [after acting in that capacity for months] in February, and who has patiently worked with the drum corps and the band to achieve common goals. Rolly's decision to stick with the band and develop the corps has resulted in the band going to Scotland, and his leadership and skills have attracted new players to the band.

Long-time member Stacy Durning won't be with us in Scotland this year, because she's staying home to have her first baby. We are all looking forward to the happy and safe arrival of the new addition to the band, and the whole band sends best wishes to Stacy and Ray. Despite knowing that she was "out" for Scotland, Stacy has continued to attend band, played right up to May, and has contributed hugely to the band through her management of the band's primary fundraising plan. A couple of weeks back, when we sent £14,000 to Scotland for the band's accommodations, it was largely as a result of Stacy's efforts.

The band has been very fortunate to attract and keep really good people over the years, and their steady work and interest have helped the group to maintain a viable band in an area where strong bands are not the norm. This year, we have added some players near and far who are bringing new energy and skills to the group, and we are all looking forward to that first big practice in Scotland, where all the tough challenges are behind, and all that's left is playing music and having fun for 10 days.

Thanks to all the band members, families and supporters who have made this summer possible.

Monday, May 21, 2012

May Long Weekend has been a big piping and pipe bands weekend on the prairies ever since I was a wee boy in the Fraser Pipe Band. In those days, it was always the "Moose Jaw International Band Festival," at which I played my first ever solo on the pipes ("The Duke of Roxburgh's Farewell to the Blackmount Forest" - 2nd prize), and in later years contests at Moose Jaw, Saskatoon, and since 1996, Regina. This weekend we had games in Moose Jaw on Saturday and Regina on Sunday, and beautiful days for the contests both days, with a decent entry of soloists and bands.

It was a good weekend of practice and performance for the CRPB, in which we finally got to test new equipment and new players in game conditions. Too bad the other regional Grade 2 band doesn't come to's always more fun to play against another band, and a shame they don't seem to see it that way also.

 When you play in a pipe band in this part of the world, and devote as much time and energy [and money] to it as we do, you sometimes question the wisdom of your choices. Is trying to maintain a Grade 2 band in this place really a worthwhile venture, and what are the benefits? I've always considered that apart from it being fun for me [selfish motivation], it's also fun for others, and an opportunity for local players to gain experience that might pay off in other places.

That experience paid off for long-time band member (and son) Ruaridh MacDonald this past weekend, when he played in his first Grade 1 competition with the Inveraray & District Pipe Band, which placed 3rd in the Scottish Pipe Band Championships on Saturday. That amazing opportunity is a direct result of the many weekends spent trying to cobble together and maintain a band in Grade 2, and give people opportunities to develop their skills, and see the wider world out there.

Meanwhile, in Moose Jaw and Regina, we competed without his sister Eilidh, who is now a member of the 78th Highlanders, Halifax, and who has also made the transition to Grade 1 from the CRPB. And, on the same day, son Duncan (8) competed for the first time on chanter, and was 2nd both days to another boy from a well-known pipe band family! All milestones for me, and all good reasons to put in the time.

Coming home at the end of the Sunday night ceilidh, I checked my messages, and there was a note from former band member Nils Michael, now a member of the Dysart & Dundonald Pipe Band who pointed out that the BBC Scotland radio programme "Pipeline" played a track from the CRPB's 2001 release "One Scottish Evening" on this week's show. Listen here.

And finally, at the massed bands in Regina, the SPBA honoured two long-time pipers for their contributions to piping in Saskatchewan. P-M Don Felstrom  and P-M Don McDonald started their piping careers together in Saskatoon 66 years ago, and they have been playing, organizing, teaching and enjoying pipe bands ever since. In this photo, you can see them having a tune with the massed bands following the presentation.

This was another great milestone on the weekend, and maybe a sign that there is something to enjoying the time spent in the pursuit of a good tune. These gents are inspirational for us all.

Wednesday, February 08, 2012

It Seems Like Just 20 Years Ago

This past weekend the CRPB kicked off it's 20th year of activity by hosting the 20th Annual Mid-Winter Ceilidh, which is now part of the Mid-Winter Celtic Festival. It was a great night once again, featuring fairly raw sets by the band, and a lot of great entertainment from Celtic bands and dancers.

Coming as it does on the first weekend of February, the Ceilidh always marks the first real performance for new band members, and the first outing for new music. We played the new-ish medley, and tried some new tunes that we've been working on this fall. The show provides a launching spot for things to come.

This being the 20th anniversary, we asked former band members in the crowd to come up and get a picture taken at the end of the band set. It's always good to see former members come out to support band events, and this brought to mind it might be an opportunity to say "thanks" to all those band members who have made the band successful and fun over so many years.

So, thanks!